Missouri`s Late Fall Season Nov 2018

First time I can recall fall color waiting til the end of October and first of November to make it`s appearance, but sure enough, that is what happened to us in east central Missouri…we had some weird weather early on in October and then we had one of the coldest fall seasons that I can remember as well, not only up here but down in Arkansas as well. I didnt take my heavy winter coat and wish I had packed it. While it was a later than normal fall, it was still very pretty….

…now this shows you just how strange a season it was…this is a couple of blocks south of me on Elmont Road…those are two Maple trees side by side in the front yard, one in full bloom and the other hasn`t made it`s mind up yet….below is a beautiful Maple in the front yard of a friend of mine….on the other side of town on Vine Street….

…and this next Maple tree is amazingly enough…located on Maple Street in my town…gee, imagine that. 🙂

…these Maples form the eastern border for our Sunny Jim Bottomley City Park, a few blocks northeast of me….